Hot tub dealers gaining O-Care boost
Water care product company Dutch Water Concepts is providing a sales boost for its British network of dealers by ramping up its promotional activities for O-Care with an advertising campaign to target prospective hot tub owners.
A special advertising feature in the 2017 edition of consumer magazine WhatSpa? is highlighting the fact that new owners can enjoy their hot tubs without hassle and achieve greater water quality than ever before as part of O-Care’s ‘Safe, Soft and Simple’ treatment process that is being promoted as being extremely kind to the skin; as well as very convenient.
O-Care incorporates a mixture of high quality mineral salts, and has been developed by Dutch Water Concepts to reduce the amount of chemicals and sanitiser needed, such as chlorine or bromine. So it is proving to be extremely popular within the hot tub market thanks to a thriving network of UK-based dealers and Aqua Spa Supplies who are supplying O-Care to the market for owners who want safer hot tub water for themselves and especially for their children, other members of their family and friends.
Proclaimed as having taken hot tub water maintenance to a new advanced level, O-Care Weekly Spa Care is a user-friendly water conditioner product that has been generating a buzz in the market due to the fact that it produces amazing results. It has been specially designed for hot tubs to enhance the water benefits and simplify water maintenance by offering constant protection and stability of the water balance, which ensures sanitisers can be more effective.
As part of the latest sales and marketing campaign for the water care product, dealers are promoting the fact that with just one easy and hassle-free weekly application O-Care will leave hot tub user’s skin feeling soft and, due to the fact that it is odourless, it eliminates the need to shower after bathing as any problem of chemical smells on the skin have been eliminated.
During the past couple of years O-Care has been among the exhibitors at the Hot Tub Living Expo, which has been incorporated into the BodyPower: Fitness Trade Show for 2017, and SPATEX to enhance awareness of this product to the hot tub market in the UK and to help establish a fledgling British network of professional dealers to not only promote the product but also service the growing demand from hot tub owners.
This growth success, which is matched in Europe, has been due to marketing campaigns by former hot tub retailer Roel Fassbender who is now the CEO of Dutch Water Concepts, which has been manufacturing O-Care Weekly Spa Care since 2009.
“If I can only use three words to describe O-Care than those would be ‘Safe, Soft and Simple’,” says Roel.
“The stories I hear, about the amazing O-Care results that people experience, is by far the best motivation and compliment I can get.
“The O-Care message is now loud and clear. Fully enjoy your hot tub experience hassle-free and let O-Care help with extra water maintenance knowledge to create the best water possible.”
An O-Care Aqua Tool App, which can be downloaded for free from the App Store and Google Play, is also helping dealers promote O-Care among their customer base and to assist hot tub owners in their water treatment procedures. Once the O-Care Aqua Tool App has been downloaded it helps users to sort out any water problems they are encountering in a step by step format.
“This O-Care Aqua Tool App allows hot tub owners to go through various questions to try and resolve their issues, which may only be simple but may be hindering their enjoyment of their hot tub,” reports Roel.
As part of the WhatSpa? advertising campaign, O-Care is also highlighting to consumers that it is being true to the word ‘Care’ in its name by making a vital contribution to safe water provision through a collaboration with blockbuster film star Matt Damon, who is one of the founders of This organisation is helping to solve a water crisis involving 780 million people who lack access to safe water; and 2.5 billion people who lack access to a toilet.
For every box of O-Care purchased a donation of $2 goes to Every sale helps provide one-and-a-half years of access to safe water to one person in the developing world.
“The word ‘Care’ stands for so many things and we strive to incorporate as many meanings of that word into the products and tools at our disposal so that the word ‘Care’ can really shine,” declared Roel.